Tuesday 27 October 2015

Still Using Paper for Audits? Here’s Why You Need to Automate


A recent quality management system benchmark survey showed manual processes are still predominant over automated systems.[1] The results of the survey were compiled from over 100,000 professionals worldwide and the majority of the participants work in quality or regulatory positions across pharmaceutical, medical device and biotech industries.

Although these are high-tech industries, the control and regulation of day-to-day processes is still being done manually—and any manual process has weaknesses. When considering the benefits that can be achieved by automating auditing processes, it’s hard to see why more life science companies aren’t looking at what automated systems have to offer. Let’s take a closer look at just a few of the benefits automated audit processes can bring.

Still Using Paper for Audits? Here’s Why You Need to Automate Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

