Tuesday 13 October 2015

How Scary are the Device Safety Requirements in IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.1?


Yikes! Amendment 1 introduces over 20 new 
requirements and 60 modifications.
by Lisa Weeks, 
Marketing Communications, MasterControl   

Few things are more frightening to an overwhelmed and under-resourced medical device manufacturer than a change to a regulatory standard, particularly if it’s a big one. (Cue creepy music.) Such is the case with IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.1, the internationally recognized standard that addresses the general requirements for medical electrical equipment and devices. Amendment 1, which was introduced in 2012, contains more than 250 changes to the text of the standard, many of which significantly alter the standard’s meaning and/or intent. Scary, right? Even scarier, the FDA will begin enforcing the new requirements as early as August 2016. Yikes!

How Scary are the Device Safety Requirements in IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.1? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

