Wednesday 23 December 2015

A Season for Giving That Lasts All Year


During the holidays and all year round, a gift
by Beth Pedersen, Marketing Communications Specialist, MasterControl

We all feel it this time of year. As temperatures drop and snowflakes swirl, lights and festive decorations illuminate the long, dark nights, and names are diligently checked off seemingly endless shopping lists, we know that the holiday season is upon us. In spite of the stress that can accompany the holidays – the long lines, the gift wrapping, the social obligations – this time of year marks a widespread urge to give: to family, to friends, even to those we’ve never even met. We all feel it, this intangible, albeit very real, spirit of giving.
For many, the spirit of giving carries over into the workplace. When I look at companies in the pharmaceutical, medical device and blood and biologics industries, I am struck by what seems to be a collective tendency toward philanthropy and (at the risk of sounding cliché) a desire to make the world a better place. I can’t help but wonder if the people employed in these industries share some common trait that compels them to help others, both in their private lives and through what they do for a living. Although social responsibility is a year-round endeavor for many organizations, I thought it appropriate to take a moment during the holiday season to highlight one such company and its culture of giving.

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