Friday 28 August 2015

OMG! The FDA Is Keeping Up With Kim Kardashian, Too


By Alex Butler, Product Manager, Life Science Applications (LS APPs), MasterControl                                                                    

Love her or hate her, reality-star Kim Kardashian knows how to get our attention. Whether she’s trying to break the Internet with risqué photos or agonizing over which Rolex to wear, people are watching. Kardashian boasts more than 34 million Twitter followers; 26, 074, 878 likes on her Facebook fan page; and 42 million Instagram followers. Forty-two million! That’s how many people may have seen her infamous July 19 Instagram post praising the morning sickness drug Diclegis® that landed her and drug maker Duchesnay in hot water with the FDA. Kim Kardashian’s greed finally got the better of her,” the author of one op-ed piece for the popular U.K. tabloid the Mirror gleefully exclaimed.1 I’m not so sure. Perhaps Kim Kardashian is smarter than we think.

OMG! The FDA Is Keeping Up With Kim Kardashian, Too Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

