Wednesday 25 February 2015

7 Document Management Blunders that Jeopardize Compliance


Is bad document management spoiling 
your compliance efforts? Learn how 
to fix seven common document 
management mistakes.
by James Jardine

Marketing Communications, MasterControl

Achieving regulatory compliance without any document management slipups is like walking through a dog park without getting your shoes messy. It seems nearly impossible to find a safe route to your compliance destination and there are countless potential mistakes you can make at any step along the way. Since the path to compliance is narrow and treacherous, here are seven examples of common document management mistakes that can jeopardize your compliance and a few ideas on handling these types of problems.

Inefficient Manual Paper-Based Systems
Managing documents manually simply perpetuates a wasteful system that is prone to error. Plus, manual document management systems are often responsible for introducing quality problems that can result in product defects and regulatory penalties. And don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re any better off with that hybrid paper/electronic system you’ve Frankensteined together. It’s just as inefficient.

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