Thursday 16 July 2015

Get Products to Market Sooner by Systematizing Quality Cycles


Getting a product to market is not a one-time event—it involves a series of cyclical processes. Is every phase along your organization’s ongoing quality continuum as efficient as it should be?

by James Jardine

Marketing Communications, MasterControl

Creating a product and getting it to market is not a one-time achievement. It entails a series of ongoing cyclical processes.

It all starts with an initial idea developed with a collaborative team. Input is gathered from all the necessary sources and then tweaks to the original concept are made as needed. Many different types of reviews, approvals, and regulatory checks are also required during this development stage. Then it’s time to provide suppliers or vendors with specific orders to ensure all the puzzle pieces will fit together as planned. Once your organization’s employees receive all the training they need to make the product according to the specifications that have been devised it feels like you’ve almost reached the finish line. Now you just flip a switch and watch as the magic is made while you celebrate your magnificent accomplishment, right?

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